Seow Italy 43-44 2nda versione

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8 Anni 10 Mesi fa - 8 Anni 10 Mesi fa #10803 da SUP_Bigans

"3 trains were sent into the area, the trains engaged these ground units and the tracers could be seen their engagement for some time. Not to mention all of the smoke."

Probably you continue to not understand how last mission has gone: they down us before we can see any kind of target, smoke and so on...STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS ONE.

"Attack was maden when factory was nautral"

Wrong, I send you the picture, the color was red and the factory was producing P-39! But you believe to other...STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS ONE.

"Is that what your mother told you?"

I will not fall on your provocation
:sick: Leave parents away! I was not offensive against you, so I don't want to be offended by you!

If I wrote that you're not a good planner/strategist is not offensive, is what I think about you (and many Others think the same), as you thought that I'm not a good pilot....

If ITAWING pilots were over 13 at the beginning of campaign and now at least 6, probably this means that they will not fun anymore...

"You are quoting my post from mission XII debrief. Mission XIII brief listed what planes you were to fly, and also stated in mission XIII is ....
Thanks for taking my words and changing them to work in your favor."

This is your misunderstanding. I wrote in Deb XII "So no Do217 with Fritz and He-293 available against ships?...Allied BB was in AO22 very close... ". This means that in next mission I want to fly Do217 with Fritx" but you planned SM.79 Sparviero from L'Aguila equiped with torpedos will target ships off the coast Frosinone coast" and we flew Do217. I don't need to use change your words...this was happenden, 'cause you don't understand me or you don't want understand me. This is the problem!!!

"What do planes parked on Pomezia have anything to do with your destruction over half of every planes I give you. There are plenty of Do-217 available now in 1944, I prioritized their production over other bombers due to past mission results."

You planned to leave them there, but if Ally put AA or Howitzer, nobody could save them. As the same Ju88 A17 in Guidonia, they are to close enemy line.

"Freighting bombers from one airfield to another is not an excuse to destroy your plane in an suicide effort. Fighters have more priority than bombers at being saved from advancing ground units. Fighters have dealt more damage to the Allies than bombers. Stop trying to justify your fruitless efforts, do you have the conscience of a lobotomite sponge?"

No one of us made a suicide action, nobody can prove this bullshit! Yes fighters made more damage then bombers, 'cause sometimes you planned unsense missions.

"lobotomite. someone who suffers from extreme lack of critical thought, either through organic causes, brain damage, or lack of neural exercise." by

No guy, this is your problem!

As you were very offensive. I don't want to loose anymore time discussing with you. Could not retrieve the functioning of your brain. I know that we will loose and thi is not a problem for us 'cause tha campaign was unbalanced from the beginning, not only for 2:5 ratio, but also for strange rules, that I don't want discuss here. I'm not so mad as you think, but many doesn't fun anymore. So this why we want to plan for us, so if we lost we'll know our limits.
Ultima Modifica 8 Anni 10 Mesi fa da SUP_Bigans.

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8 Anni 10 Mesi fa #10813 da SUP_Bigans

Picture no.1

Pescara EAST Factory was producing Commandos at the beginning of XVIII mission:

This is the screenshot of the video recorded you could see that 2 FRITZX (even if you see only a light, believe me they are two) one second before the impact very close to the factory

Reading the stats no evindece of the hit.

So my question is: how do you place the plate? Are you sure to have put the center of the plate in the factory, like this

Or you put the plate so:

This is the second time that happens (I totally destroyed Foggia factory, but no evicende in the stats, I show the picture proving that it was producing ...).

Don't complain if Blue pilots are decreasing.

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8 Anni 9 Mesi fa #10818 da SUP_Bigans

Oltre Pernix se venisse anche Astore sarebbe proprio un bel quartetto con 8 FRITZX, magari ne coliamo 2...

Ulteriori dettagli su secret room ITAWING

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8 Anni 9 Mesi fa #10819 da SUP_Mannaia
Ho letto il brief sul forum giusto per tenermi "informato".. Ma adesso anche buono i monomotori con le bombe e tutti sulla panzona??

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8 Anni 9 Mesi fa #10821 da SUP_Astore


Oltre Pernix se venisse anche Astore sarebbe proprio un bel quartetto con 8 FRITZX, magari ne coliamo 2...

Ulteriori dettagli su secret room ITAWING

A Pasqua sono ospite dei futuri suoceri e non so quando potrò liberarmi, comunque sono molto giù d'allenamento e non ho molta pratica con le Fritz-X per cui non credo che sarei molto d'aiuto, dovrete sbrigarvela da soli ;)

Mai lasciar morire il fanciullo che è in noi

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8 Anni 9 Mesi fa #10824 da SUP_Pernix
Mi servirebbe l'indirizzo TS a cui collegarmi domani sera, con il cambio di PC, ho perso il numero, per il server invece dovrei essere a posto. :S

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